If you've tried different set of brake pads and scuffed up your actual physical rotor but you're still having continual brake issues, that could very possibly mean then that there's something going wrong with your rear brake caliper. To ensure safety and performance, you might need to rebuild your caliper. In this blog, we're going to discuss how to rebuild your rear brake caliper and share some tips. If you are looking for buggy parts for sale? Get them from BDX Performance today.
Disconnect the brake line - Disconnect the brake line where it comes into your caliper. Some calipers come with banjo-type fitting on the lower front part of the caliper while most of them have two lines coming to it. You would want to remove those first.
Remove the caliper from the chassis – If you have time, try to remove the caliper from the chassis. Doing this will make your job a lot easier as you won't have all the other components to bother you while you are rebuilding your caliper. Once you remove the caliper from the chassis, take it over to a workbench or a solid surface where you can start the rebuilding process.
Remove the brake pads – The next step is to remove the brake pads. Depending on how your pads are mounted in your caliper, whether they have screws with retaining springs or any other fitting, the process would vary.
Get the piston out - It's actually a pretty easy trick. Just inject some compressed air into the caliper and it is going to force the brake pistons to come out of their pockets. This will allow you to replace the rubber pieces. If the pistons don’t come out all the way at first, give it another shot of air pop.
Make sure there are no gouges or burrs – Please ensure that there are no gouges or burrs that could be caused by one of the seals going bad. The seals might actually be rubbing up on the inside of the aluminum on your caliper.
Take the O-ring apart - Depending on your manufacturer, take out one side of an O-ring at a time and line up the pieces so you know exactly how they came out and don’t face problems during reassembling. You would want to use a little bit lithium grease on piston and O-rings so when you put them back, they fit in there and nothing lines up.
One thing to remember is don’t overtighten the caliper. If you do, you can over crimp your copper washer (if that's what you have for your seal). If you have a straight pipe fitting, you can actually put a hairline crack in your fitting, which can lead to bigger issues. Tighten it just enough to where you get some good resistance.
Searching for a buggy parts shop in Virginia? Look no further than BDX Performance? We provide top-quality components for your go-karts, buggies, ATVs, and UTVs — to make your rides smoother!