To request to cancel an order before your items have shipped call customer service at 434-532-8146 and make the request. At the time that you placed your order you entered into a legal and binding contract with BDX Performance. Thus if you change your mind and decide to get out of the contract both parties must agree. Therefore cancellations are not automatic. BDX Performance must agree to dissolved the legal and binding contract.
We may have already put work, money and/or materials into manufacturing or fulfilling your order. Or we may have special ordered a vehicle, materials or parts for your order. In summary whatever expense we have incurred cannot be refunded. For example we do not get the credit card processing fee back from the credit card company because they must process the payment and the refund. Likewise we may have labor, time, expense in getting the sale, processing the order and refunding the refund. If your vehicle has been picked up and is on the way to you we cannot refund the shipping or transport fee. In addition if you refuse delivery you will need to pay the shipping fee to BDX. In addition to the shipping fees there is a 5% to 20% cancellation fee depending upon how much work and expense BDX has incurred.
If you ordered a custom made product such as an custom engine or custom vehicle, where we have to special order materials or parts or vehicles and we must put labor into the manufacturing, there will be a 20% to 30% cancellation fee depending upon how much we have invested into your customer product. .