A Guide To Maintaining Your Go-Kart’s Exhaust System

A Guide To Maintaining Your Go-Kart’s Exhaust System

If you keep your go-kart’s exhaust in top shape, your vehicle will deliver a memorable performance every single time. Your exhaust is a critical piece of machinery that ensures the smooth functioning of your kart by casting out harmful fumes away. Yet, many go-kart drivers don’t pay attention to the health of their kart’s exhaust. They only notice that something’s wrong when the engine makes clunky noises or when the fuel economy decreases significantly! 

Thankfully, there is quite a lot you can do to make your exhaust system last. Here are a few tips: 

Caring For Your Go-Kart’s Exhaust System 

While cleaning your cart before taking it for a spin, make sure that you check the exhaust pipe for signs of wear and tear. Identifying small cracks before these cause the entire system to break apart will help you to save up on quite a few dollars on costly repairs. Double-check the silencer, the chassis mounting brackets as well as the engine outlet connectors as these are the most common areas where fissures occur. 

Next, check the exhaust matting. We recommend that you replace it with the help of a professional as it involves detaching several critical components of your kart’s exhaust system. Many ignore this step of exhaust maintenance as the matting can’t be seen from the outside. However, worn-out matting can be hard on your kart’s engine. In fact, when the matting starts to fizzle away and nears the end of its life, your engine makes itself heard by getting louder! Another tell-tale sign of exhausted matting is the appearance of hotspots on the exteriors of your exhaust system. 

After this, make sure that the kart’s manifold is sealed in place. Many a time, exhaust systems are not positioned perfectly on the gasket because of rust formation or damage. This can contribute to inferior exhaust performance, which in turn will prevent the engine from giving its best. Experts suggest that you use a temperature-resistant silicone sealant to avoid this. However, don’t smear it with a lot of sealant!

Last, but not the least, make sure that you get your exhaust system painted as per regulations (i.e. in black). The paint you use should be able to withstand high temperatures. Ideally, you should get a paint job done while getting your matting replaced. 

Maintenance of your kart’s exhaust systems should go hand in hand with your kart care schedule. We hope that these few tips will make the process less daunting for you. If you’re looking for 150cgo-kart exhaust systems and other parts in South Hill, VA, we have got you covered!